Banana Muffins

Delicious & easy to make...

Makes:  about 12

  • 500 ml sifted Flour
  • 125 ml Sugar
  • 10 ml Baking powder
  • 5 ml Salt
  • 3 ml Bicarbonate of soda
  • dash Nutmeg
  • 2 medium ripe Bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 80 ml Milk
  • 80 ml Cooking oil
  • jam or preserves

  1. In a large mixing bow, combine all ingredients, except the jam.
  2. Mix until dry ingredients are moistened.
  3. Fill greased muffin cups two thirds full.
  4. With a teaspoon, make a slight indentation in the center of each & fill with a little jam.
  5. Bake @ 190'C - 18 to 20 minutes until golden brown.
