Granadilla fridge tart with white chocolate ganache

Time: 30 minutes + 4 hours to chill


Chocolate ganache:
  • 200 ml fresh cream
  • 100 g good quality white chocolate, chopped
  • pinch salt
  • 1 x 200 g packet Bakers Tennis Biscuits
  • 75 g butter, melted
  • 385 g full-cream sweetened condensed milk
  • 125 ml lemon juice
  • 1 x 250 g tub plain full-cream cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 2 x 110 g tine granadilla pulp
  1. For the chocolate ganache, heat the fresh cream in a saucepan over medium-high heat and as it starts to boil, scatter over the white chocolate. Stir the creamy chocolate mixture until all of the chocolate has melted. Mix in the salt and refrigerate in a medium bowl, about 3 - 4 hours, until completely chilled.
  2. While the chocolate ganache is chilling, make the tart crust by placing the biscuit in a food processor & blitzing them; alternatively, crush them with a rolling pin until fine. Transfer to a bowl & mix in the melted butter.
  3. Press the biscuit crust mixture firmly into a 23 cm diameter pie dish, making sure the crust goes up the sides. Place in the fridge, for 30 minutes.
  4. For the filling, mix the condensed milk & lemon juice together, and set aside to thicken, for 20 minutes. Mix the cream cheese until smooth, add 1 of the tins of granadilla pulp and incorporate well. Combine the cream cheese and pulp mixture with the condensed milk mixture, and carefully spoon into the pie crust. Place in the fridge to set until the chocolate ganache(already in fridge) has cooled down completely.
  5. Once the chocolate ganache has cooled down, beat with an electric mixer until firm and spread over the granadilla filling. Spoon over the remaining tin of granadilla pulp & serve.

Credit: Food & Home
