Chocolate Mousse

Always a winner

  • 200 g Chocolate (original recipe calls for Lindt, but i am not a fan of dark chocolate).
  • knob of butter
  • 300 ml cream
  • 25 ml castor sugar
  • 5 ml vanilla essence
  • 2 large eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • chocolate curls or cherries (to garnish)
  1.  Break the chocolate into small blocks & melt with butter in microwave oven.
  2.  Separate the eggs.  Lightly beat the yolks.
  3.  Beat the cream with a clean egg-beater & add castor sugar.  Beat until just stiff (firm peaks).   Do not over beat!
  4.  Fold the beaten egg yolk into the cream (yes, it does sound strange).
  5.  Beat the egg whites with a clean egg beater until stiff.  Add a pinch of salt before you starting   beating.
  6.  Fold in the chocolate mixture, to the cream mixture, followed by the beaten egg white &   vanilla.
  7.  Pour into small cups or glasses & refrigerate to set.  Garnish.
