Pumpkin fritters

Serve: 12
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes


  • 500 g pumpkin, steamed, drained and cooled.
  • 2 free-range eggs, beaten
  • 60 g cake flour
  • 1 t baking powder, heaped
  • Salt, a pinch
  • Butter and oil, frying
  • Cinnamon sugar, for sprinkling

  1. Mash the cooled, steamed pumpkin with a fork once. (I'm lazy so I buy the ready-cubed pumpkin in packets and steam it in the microwave according to package instructions)
  2. Add the beaten eggs and mix. Sift in the cake flour, baking powder and salt and mix together
  3. Melt a little butter in a pan and add a little oil. When it starts sizzling, drop in heaped teaspoons of batter, making sure that they are nicely spaced apart, and fry each side until lightly browned.
  4. Remove from pan and drain on kitchen paper.
  5. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and eat warm.

Credit: Taste
