Quick Desserts - Pear Mille-feuille

Something sweet. Something colorful.
Something to WOW them with.

  • 1 kg pears - peeled, cored and diced
  • 200 ml sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 100 gr butter
  • 1 cup sultanas (or raisins)
  • 125 ml water
  • 100ml sherry
  • 1 teaspoon custard powder mixed with water
  • 1 Box of phyllo pastry - about ten sheets (melted butter for brushing)
Method (Filling):

Melt butter and sugar in a pan. Add pears, cinnamon and water an cook for about 10-15 minutes - until pears are cooked but not mushy.
Add sherry and if the mixture is at all runny, add the custard and cook until mixture comes together.
Cool or freeze at this point for using at a later stage.

Method (Mielle Feuille):

Brush a sheet of phyllo with melted butter and place another sheet on top. Spread with butter again.
Now take a round cookie cutter or food ring and cut out circles (If you do not have a food ring, just do squares). For 4 people you will need 16 circles.
Dust the circles with powdered sugar and bake for about 5 minutes at 170°C.
Keep circles in an airtight container until you need to assemble this dessert. You will have to assemble this dessert at the last minute as the pastry goes soggy if standing to long.

Place the phyllo circles (or squares) in the middle of your plate. Spoon some pear mixture on top and then some chantilly cream.
Repeat the layers and finish with a pastry layer.
Dust with powdered sugar..... and wait for the compliments!!
- Use any other fruit you can find, strawberries, cherries, apples, ect
- Make a savory mielle feuille - let your imagination run wild.
- Sprinkle the pastry sheets with chopped nuts, before baking for extra flavor and crunch.

Credit: My Easy Cooking
